Focus: research articles must present a significant advancement on the state of knowledge of a thematic field.
Paper size: A4; 1, 5 interlineal space, font Times New Roman 12, upper and lower margins 3 cm, right margin 2,5 cm and left margin 3 cm. Justified text. Text processors: anyone that works on Windows OS. Proposed articles must not exceed 25 (twenty five) pages (including bibliography, figures, graphics and tables).
1.2. NOTES
Focus: notes must include lower levels of knowledge of a thematic field. They can include specific records, new distribution of items, new field observations, etc.
Paper size: A4; 1, 5 interlineal space, font Times New Roman 12, upper and lower margins 3 cm, right margin 2,5 cm and left margin 3 cm. Justified text. Text processors: anyone that works on Windows OS. Proposed notes must not exceed 5 (five) pages (including bibliography, figures, graphics and tables).
Focus: review articles must present within a field of knowledge, a theme treated in an integrated manner, constituting a substantial advancement on the state of knowledge of the thematic field, not necessarily including new information, but providing a novel view, integrating different records or historic documentation about a theme.
Paper size: A4; 1, 5 interlineal space, font Times New Roman 12, upper and lower margins 3 cm, right margin 2,5 cm, left margin 3 cm. Justified text. Text processors: anyone that works on Windows OS. Proposed review articles must not exceed 35 (thirty five) pages (including bibliography, figures, graphics and tables).
Focus: bibliographic reviews gather and discuss information about a thematic field well delimited, evaluating advances and perspectives about a particular theme. Bibliographical reviews must develop an efficient strategy to cover the complete information about the accumulated knowledge about a thematic field.
Paper size: A4; 1, 5 interlineal space, font Times New Roman 11, upper and lower margins 3 cm, right margin 2,5 cm left margin 3 cm. Justified text. Text processors: anyone that works on Windows OS. Proposed bibliographical reviews must not exceed 15 (fifteen) pages (including bibliography, figures, graphics and tables).
Focus: letters to the editor constitute debate and current topics about any subject of investigation, about process that occurs within the general society that have relevance for the fields of knowledge that the journal addresses, or related with the academic community. Letters to the editor usually refer to an article previously published by the journal, or about a theme of academic significance like a scientific event or any other relevant aspect of the anthropological academic practice in general.
Paper size: A4; 1, 5 interlineal space, font Times New Roman 11, upper and lower margins 3 cm, right margin 2,5 cm left margin 3 cm. Justified text. Text processors: anyone that works on Windows OS. Proposed letters to the editor must not exceed 5 (five) pages (including bibliography, figures, graphics and tables).
1. Title
Follow the example:
(Centered, capital letter, bold)
(Centered, capital letter only initial)
* Institutional address and e-mail as footnote.
** Institutional address and e-mail as footnote.
2. Abstract
All contributions in Spanish and Portuguese (except Notes and Letters to the Editor), must have an extended abstract in English (400 words maximum) including article title, besides the Spanish or Portuguese abstract required, according to the article´s original language (200 words maximum).
As an option, articles can be also published in the electronic bulletin of the journal, which has the purpose to make public academic investigations to the general audience (educational community, institutional actors, intermediate organizations and general public). Those who wish to publish their articles in such bulletin must as well, send a text of no more than 900 words as a separate archive in any of the text processor accepted in this styleguide under the title “for the electronic bulletin”.
3. Keywords
All articles must have 3 to 5 (three to five) keywords in the language of the article, and in any other language accepted by the journal.
4. Text elements
Text with primary subtitles left margin, capital letters, bold, without underlining. Secondary subtitles left margin, lower case letter, italics.
- Do not separate words in the end of line.
- Foreign words or scientific names must be in italics.
- Radiocarbon dating must:
Be expressed in radicarbonic years before present (C14 AP)
Be followed by 1 (one) sigma as informed by the lab.
Include identification number given by the lab.
Specify the dated material (Ex. burned wood; corn; bone); specify if the dating was calibrated by isotopic fractioning. In case that dating has been calibrated, it must have the date next to the conventional radiocarbonic dating. Ex.: 1020± 70 years C14 AP (Beta 177.108; Myocastor coypus bone, δ13C= -19‰, cal. DC 890 to 1180, cal. AP 1060 to 780).
Calibration curve must be specified.
- Abbreviated measurement units (Ex.: cm) must not be followed by punctuation, and must go in lower case letter. Leave a space between the number and the measurement unit. Ex: “it is found at 1 km from departure point”.
- Numbers under 10 (inclusive), must be written in letters (Ex.: ten); numbers above ten must be written in numbers (11).
- Numbers greater than three digits must have punctuation. Ex.: 5.000; 10.000. Decimal numbers must have a comma. Ex.: 0, 25.
5. Figures
- All pictures, graphics and drawings must go under the title “figures”. Tables and figures must be placed at the end of text, but in each case its position must be specified in the text. Tables and figures must be numbered correlatively. Epigraphs must be submitted in a separate file. All articles that present figures and tables without its corresponding epigraphs will be rejected.
- Electronic format: tables and figures must be presented in separated files. Figures (pictures and drawings) must be submitted in high resolution TIFF format (300 dpi at least). Excel graphics and other graphics from statistics programs must be presented in its original format file (.xls, or equivalent). Do not convert these graphics into images. Tables must be presented and submitted in its original excel file and not converted into images.
- If any figure is submitted in a physical support such as paper, they must be submitted in ordinary print paper, high resolution black or grayscale ink. Do not exceed the 15 x 19 cm format, and must be cited in the text.
- For print publication, figures must be sent in black and white, or grayscale format. For electronic publication, we prefer that figures and tables to be submitted in color.
6. Quotations
Quotations fewer than 8 lines must be included inside the text between quotations marks (“…”). After the quotation, place between parenthesis: author, year of publication, number of pages. Quotations of 8 lines or more than 8 lines must be separated from the text as a block quotation, with two spaces above and under the quotation.
7. Italics
Must go in italics:
- Words of foreign language different from the article´s language.
- Scientific names
Ex: Homo sapiens sapiens; Spondylus sp. The fraction sp. must not be in italics.
- Book titles, magazines, journals, poems, and other literary work when they are included in the text.
- Letters that represent mathematical variables.
- Foreign words of common use.
Ex: in situ, a priori, et al., vis-à-vis, sensu, etc.
8. Bibliographic citation on the text
Bibliographic references must be placed in the text following the system author-year.
One author: (Gifford 1978); (Gifford 1978:23); (Gifford 1978, 1980).
Two authors: (Carrara and Boas 1999) or Carrara and Boas (1999).
Three or more authors: (Carrara et al. 1999) or Carrara et al. (1999).
Same author, same year: (Jones and Brown 1972a, 1972b) or Jones and Brown (1972a, 1972b).
Multiple authors cited in one place and/or several references from the same author: (Ashmore 1986; Coe 1965; de Montmollin 1988; Foz 1987, 1991; Freidel 1986; Freidel and Schele 1986; Freidel et al. 1990).
Note: note that semicolon was used to separate articles from different authors, whereas commas were used to separate articles from same author chronologically. References are always alphabetically organized within the citation.
Citation with page number, figures or tables follow the example: (Mc Ewan 1990:97), (Mc Ewan 1990: fig.3), (Mc Ewan 1990: table 1).
9. Acknowledgments
Acknowledgment section must be placed after text with primary subtitle.
10. Notes
Notes must be placed correlatively numbered with superscript in a separate page with primary subtitle.
11. Bibliography
Bibliographical references must be placed in a separate page with the primary subtitle “Bibliography” or “References”.
All references cited in the text must appear in the section “References” and vice-versa.
References must be formatted with double space between references. It must be organized alphabetically according to first author surname. Use only initials to first and second name of the authors and editors. Two or more articles from the same author must be chronologically organized. For articles from the same year, please use a lower case letter to differentiate them (Ex: Loponte 2004a, 2004b).
Organize reference according to the following format: author/s, date, title, publication name, volume and number, pages, editorial, place of publication. For editorial name do not use the following words: company, S.A., Ltd., Inc., etc. Please repeat the exact punctuation and orthography of the publication title.
Use italics to book titles or periodical publications such as journals.
1- Books from one author.
1987. Formation Processes of the Archaeological Record. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.
2- Book from several authors.
1987. Archaeology. Discovering Our Past. Mayfield Publishing Company, Mountain View.
3- Edited or compilation books.
PRICE, T. D. and G. FEINMAN (Eds.)
1995. Foundations of Social Inequality. Plenum Press, New York.
4- Journal articles.
2002. The ascendance of hunting during the California Middle Archaic: An evolutionary perspective. American Antiquity 67(2): 231-256.
5- Articles from a book.
1992. Seeing the present and interpreting the past and keeping things straight. In: Space, Time and Archaeological Landscapes, edited by J. Rossignol and L. Wandsnider, pp. 43-59. Plenum Press, New York.
1979. The method and theory of site catchment analysis: A review. In: Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory, vol. 2, edited by M. B. Schiffer, pp. 119-140. Academic Press, San Diego.
6- Papers presented in scientific meetings.
2004. Use life and curation in New Guinea experimental used flakes. Paper presented at the 69º Annual meeting from the Society for American Archaeology, Montreal.
7- Bachelor, master or doctoral dissertations.
1987. Análisis de Áreas de Explotación de Recursos en la Cuenca Media y Superior del Río Las Pitas (Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca) y su Relación con la Evidencia Arqueológica de Cazadores-Recolectores. Bachelor Dissertation. Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires. MS.
1981. Lithic Microwear Experimentation and the Functional Analysis of the Lower Magdalenian Stone Tool Assemblage. PhD. Dissertation. Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. MS.
8- Paper in press.
1992. Mississippian period status differentiation through textile analysis: A Caddoan example. American Antiquity, in press.
9- Unpublished paper.
1975. Ensayo para una clasificación morfológica de artefactos líticos aplicada a estudios tipológicos comparativos. Informe al CONICET. M