Arqueologia guarani no Baixo Iguaçu – Paraná, Brasil: estudos da tecnologia cerâmica do sítio BI21
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This article deals with the studies carried out on the archaeological site Ponte Alta (BI21CLM-ST), located in the
municipality of Capitão Leônidas Marques, state of Paraná, Brazil. The site is located on the right bank of the lower
course of the Iguaçu River, 100 km from its mouth on the Paraná River. Located in the chronological horizon of the
16th century of the Christian Era, this site is composed of Guarani ceramic material, whose analysis was based on
the protocols proposed by Cerezer (2017). From the crossing of the results in the technological and morphological
analyzes of the ceramic collection, information about the implantation of the site in the landscape and at a regional
level and its situation in the chronological panorama that notes the process of Guarani occupation in the La Plata
Basin, a reflection is proposed on the theoretical models that deal, from the material culture, on the strategies of
mobility and expansion of the territories of the Guarani peoples in Southern Brazil.
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