La llegada de Ỹʾaxáinaʾdi. Apuntes sobre algunas representaciones celestes de los Pilagás
Main Article Content
In this article we analyze the construction of some representations of the sky made by Pilagás (Guaycurú) that
inhabit the center of the province of Formosa, Argentina. Based both on data collected in the field and the available
information in ethnographic literature, we specifically study the current configuration of the figure of Ỹʾaxáinaʾdi,
identified in western astronomy with Orion’s Belt. The analysis of this asterism, which has acquired an essential role
in current stories about the sky, leads us to investigate the cultural influence of another celestial representation:
Dapichiʾ (linked with the Pleiades). We review the meaningful connection of these figures with the Pilagá annual cycle
and the subsistence practices. The events linked to the occupation of the Chaco region (military advance, the Chaco
War and the establishment of Anglican missions and labor centers) has substantially modified the lifestyle of native
groups such as the Pilagá. In this paper, therefore, we describe and analyze some of the changes in the local means
of subsistence induced by these historical processes, as well as their impact on the current representation of Dapichiʾ
and Ỹʾaxáinaʾdi.
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